Our Firm

Court House ExteriorWe chose to practice consumer law because we think it is the right thing to do.  We did not obtain our law degrees for the purpose of making a lot of money, to offer our services to the highest bidder or to represent whomever comes in the door.  Instead, we see our law licenses as an avenue to do good work while helping people in need who have been unfairly treated and who will likely have a difficult time finding an attorney that will represent them.

There are very few attorneys that take consumer law cases and even fewer focus solely on consumer law, like our firm. Rob Treinen started out working for New Mexico Legal Aid, representing poor people who had been cheated by unscrupulous businesses.  Since that time, he has found a way to continue this same work as a private firm.  Nearly all of our cases are handled on a contingency basis, meaning we do not ask for money up front or money as the case progresses. Instead, we are willing to take the risk and get paid only upon a successful resolution, either by settlement or a collected jury verdict.  Our firm often fronts all the costs of the litigation, including expert costs and we do not get paid unless we succeed in the claim and obtain justice for you.

Our firm believes that it is wrong when businesses abuse their power and mistreat consumers and we think everyone should be treated fairly.  We think each person is imbued with dignity and that dignity should be respected and believe that no business should unfairly cause problems within a family.  We believe everyone has a right to be listened to; even the little guy.  There is no excuse for a big business to not pay attention just because it is a big business.  Rob grew up in a small town where businesses were expected to treat everyone fairly and with dignity.

Our firm believes that the jury system, while imperfect, is the best system that exists. It puts the high and mighty on the same level as the small and forgotten.  A jury is made up of normal people and the members of a jury want to be treated right and respected and they know what it is like to be mistreated.  They know what it feels like to be abused and ignored by unscrupulous businesses and big corporations.  A consumer protection trial is a chance for jurors to make things right and let unscrupulous businesses and big corporations know they must treat people fairly and with dignity.

We know only too well the effects that consumer law violations can have on a person and on a family; lost sleep, tears, fights between mom and dad over who is to blame for what happened and over what can be done to remedy the problem, spending time trying to resolve the problem when you should be spending time with family or doing what you want, feeling aggravation and frustration caused by getting the run-around despite your best efforts.  Juries understand these things while unscrupulous businesses and big corporations do not.  This is why there is a jury that is empowered to return the balance of power to where it should be.

Our firm does not treat trials like other attorneys do. We see the trial as a chance for you to tell your story and then trust the jury to do the right thing.  We think the most important aspect of any trial is to blow away all the smoke, present all the truth and present it honestly and straightforwardly.  We think it is very important for the jury to know who you are as a person and how your family gets by from day to day.  People are not perfect and all families struggle from time from time behind closed doors.  In order to present the whole truth, we will spend a lot of time with you getting to know you and your family.  We prefer to meet with people in person, preferably in their own homes if they allow us that privilege.

If you decide to let us represent you, we will seek justice together. We cannot make promises about the outcome of any trial, but we do promise that we will be a team every step of the way and that we will work our very hardest to do the right thing by you.

Treinen Law Office, PC