Solar Fraud Is Rife in New Mexico

Did you answer a knock on your door to be greeted by someone from a solar company? Did the salesperson promise to eliminate your electric bill if you agreed to have a solar system installed? Were you told that the installation of the solar system was part of a government program? Were you told there would be no cost to you? Were you told that the solar company was working with PNM or El Paso Electric? Did the salesperson tell you the solar system would reduce your electric bill to zero or close to zero? Were you told that you would get tax rebates the next time you did your taxes? Did the salesperson tell you there would be no lien?
Did you sign on a tablet and not get copies of the contract? Did you not sign at all, with the solar company forging your signature on whatever documents were needed to make the sale go through? Was the payment to increase in 18 months, but you were not told?
Was the system not installed, but the solar company has still not returned the money that you paid up-front? Was the installation incomplete, or the system never made operational, but the finance company nevertheless insists you must make your payments, and the solar company only gives you the run-around? Did the solar company cause leaks in your roof, or otherwise damage your home, when it installed the system, but then refuse to pay for the needed repairs?
Did the system not work as promised? Did you continue to receive electric bills even though you had been told you would not receive electric bills? Did you not get the tax rebate you had been led to believe you would receive? Did the solar company sell you one system – big enough to meet your needs – but then install a smaller system and try to sell you more panels when you let them know you were still receiving an electric bill?
Did you find out that your signature had been applied to a contract that included a penalty to you if you cancelled the sale, even if the solar system was never made operational or never worked as promised? Did you find out a lien had been placed on your home? Has the solar company and the finance company given you the run-around for months or even years, refusing to fix the system or cancel the sale?
Treinen Law Office has represented New Mexicans who have had all the above done to them. Because of New Mexico consumer protection laws that require the solar company to pay your attorney if you win, in many instances Treinen Law Office can represent you against a solar company under a contingency arrangement, where we do not bill as we go, and do not require any payment up front, but rather collect our attorney fees and costs when we get you money or when we win at trial. Please call for a free consultation if any of the above has happened to you and you want to see if we can help.