Can I Sue a Solar Company?

solar panels on house

Have you been tricked in a door-to-door sale of a solar system?  New Mexico law provides strong protections against businesses that use misleading or deceptive tactics. You may be able to sue the solar company if it used misleading or deceptive tactics in selling you the solar system.

The deception and trickery can take many forms.  Consumers are told they will save on their total energy costs and that turns out not to be true.  Sometimes the solar company promises the system will deliver a certain output, knowingly inflating what is possible, in order to sell you the system.

Another aspect of the tricks and traps used by solar companies is to stick consumers into a horrible form of financing known as a PPA, or Power Purchase Agreement.  Under these agreements, you lease the system, allow the company to steal your tax credits, and the monthly payment increases every year for 20 years.  The solar company tells you there will not be a lien on your home, but then files a UCC Financing Statement, which acts as a lien on your home.  Since virtually no one fully informed would ever agree to a PPA, the companies often misrepresent the terms, or simply slam the consumer into a PPA even though the consumer had opted for traditional financing.

A common scam involves you signing on a tablet, without being allowed to review what you are signing, or the solar company actively misleading you as to what you are signing.  Solar companies tell you that you will receive what you signed by email.  Sometimes the salesperson intentionally enters an incorrect email address to make sure you will not receive the email with what you signed attached.  If you figure this out and finally receive what you signed, and then complaint that what you received is different than what you had been told, the solar company says it is too late as you only had three days to cancel the deal.

There are some good companies selling solar systems on fair terns for the right reasons.  But Treinen Law Office has seen many, many examples of unscrupulous out-of-state solar companies ripping off New Mexico consumers.  We have represented consumers against these companies.  We have obtained substantial relief against these companies for our clients.  If you believe you have been misled, deceived or ripped off by a solar company, please feel free to contact Treinen Law Office.  There is no cost to you to see if we can help.

11 thoughts on “Can I Sue a Solar Company?

  1. I pray there’s something you can do because I am retired I have an adult son with a disability that I take care of and I am a single parent I have stretch myself out to the limit including a disability that I also have and I don’t want to lose my home due to the trickery and deceit that I received. I called sunlight the main company and all they could do was say well you sign this and we didn’t really promise the fat a lot of double talk where the salesman really lead you down a path that was not correct

  2. Can you assist Nevada residents, or refer to someone who can? Sunrun used the exact deceptive tactics mentioned above to trick me into signing a 20 year contract. The panels have under produced and my bill is more than before going solar. They turned off the panels completely over a year ago, but continue to bill me. I want to sell my house but can’t due to the contract with them.

  3. I need help. I purchased my solar and all was well for a while. I have been trying to contact my evo green financial (on contract evo energy) since 2/18/21 I was told they would come service it. They have not come.25+ Emails and she (Mersedeh Williams) emailed me on 6/3021 said they were coming out. She text me and said they techs were at the house and needed to talk to me to provide my number. Didn’t see till I got home. I text apologizing for not seeing the text. I sent multiple email stating I just got the message. Would they come back . After reading her messages I looked at my security camera, no one should upland I text her tha. I text her on 7/2/21 and she just said we can’t come maybe next week. I’m so stressed . I’m paying for both solar and my energy bill. I was told I would only pay one. I was lied too from the beginning. I need to ask what should I do? I can’t do this. The person who sold it to me was fired. I have my emails from him.I would appreciate any guidance on what recourse I have and what I can do to fix this mess.

    1. Sad to hear you crossed paths with Mersedeh and Seth Daniel Williams (aka Will). They’re originally from Houston, Texas where they defrauded lots of people selling customized jeep wranglers and cars. They moved to Georgetown, Tx due to an indictment against Mersedeh in Fort Bend County for theft! I’m sure if you post an ad in the local newspaper many will respond with the same issues you’re facing. Contact your local district attorney’s office and file an official complaint against them and their fraudulent company Evo financial/ Evo energy. Warn your friends, family, and neighbors not to do business with them. You can also contact the Fort Bend County DA’s attorney in charge of the case agains them, Mr. Scott Carpenter 281-341-4460. I hope this helps and wish you the best outcome.

  4. Need help. Decca Solar formerly Zenith Solar sold me and my brother in law systems with battery backup. Neither of our systems are complete and we have yet to see any batteries, our salesman told us one thing then changed the contract. We have called the only number we have and no calls have been returned. Is there any legal action we can take to insure we get what we were promised

  5. I live in Las Vegas, NV. and Sunrun did the exact same deceptive practices mentioned by Beachbabi above on me. Contract says system will offset 99% of my electric usage, but it is undersized and only offsetting about 65%, even though my electric usage has not increased.. They also pulled the scam of getting me to read and sign the contract on a tablet. Any help or recommendations on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated.

    1. David- DM me if you see this and want to put together a class action against Sunrun. We can’t be the only victims. Socalbeachbabiatgmaildotcom

  6. Any way you could help me understand what i could do. Solcius Solar Company gave me an inaccurate tax credit on the proposal and they said they cant do anything because i already signed. They are not keeping up with the government policiew to where the other half of the credit im not sure im gonna get because the tax credit might not be renewed by Congress and ill lose that half. Than my bill will increase of i dont have that full amount to reinvestment into the lease. Im from Roswell, NM. Anything you could help or some advice.

  7. I was told that PNM would be sending me a check. I was also told that I qualified for about $7000.00 dollars in rebates from state and Federal Government. I was told that I would no longer be paying PNM from this point on simply paying the bank that lend me ! 19,800.00 for the solar panels. But that was a lie also.
    I am 77 years old and live on a fixed income.
    So far I have unplugged almost everything in my home and yet I’m still getting a bill from PNM.The I honestly believe that the SolarWorks rep. lied me and I don’t know what to do. Please call me if you can help me.

  8. To Gladys Josephine Marquez- Talk to an attorney immediately that does free consultations and explain your circumstance. Bring paper work among any other thing that was involved in the transaction with you that might be useful for the attorney go see.

  9. Sunrise… wow. I was told that I was told by momentum that I would receive 12k for purchasing solar panels Tax time. Then I realized that after 17 months if I don’t give them that money, my payments would go up. I asked was they sure of the amount and would I get it. I was also told that I would save. My solar is more than my electric and I filed my taxes and was told I was not eligible for the $12k refund. I thought it was automatic because it was too save energy and I thought I would be eligible for Florida; FREL. I’m 67 years young, veteran and disabled. I know I signed the contract in good faith thinking I would benefit. I am tired of bring taken advantage of. Can you help I’m in Florida. I did speak to an atty, that helps VETS, but was not able to assist but said I should pursue. CAN YOU HELP ME? PLEASE?

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